The Launch

[Day 1, 9.01pm]


Gabby: Hello, I am Gabby McCall and I am your Avatar Big Brother host. What a interesting bunch of housemates we have for you.. (crowd cheer) before we meet the 10 new fabulous housemates? Should we take a look at the house? 

(Gabby enters the Big Brother House with sliding doors and the crowd cheer)

Gabby: So as you can see we have two ways to enter the house this year! We have one staircase on the left and one on the right, as you can see the walls are painted brown and sliver and gold sparky parts are shining though. Should we enter the house? 

(Gabby enters the house and begins to show the public the house) 

Gabby: so this is the main living and kitchen area, there is a massive chandelier above the sitting area which is beautiful, the theme this year seems very modern and cabin in the woods. The sofa chairs around the sitting area are throne style chairs which can I just say are really comfy.. I wonder which Housemates will be cuddling up here? (Winks at the camera) 

(Gabby takes the cameramen outside into the garden) 

Gabby: So obviously the theme this year is very Cabin In The Woods, so for the first time ever there is NO SWIMMING POOL but instead a hot tub.. For the err housemates to get cosy. The Smoking area is very simply this year as there are only 2 chairs to sit around and kill yourself slowly with (Laughs) SMOKING IS BAD FOR YOU! 

(Gabby takes the cameramen into the bedroom which the housemates can enter from the garden and living room) 

Gabby: so this is the fabulous bedroom, which can I just say I love, There are only 2 single beds this year which are prison like beds and not very comfortable at all, then there are 4 king size beds. So that means Sharing is a definite. So as you can see the Bathroom is located at the back of the bedroom with massive windows. There are two showers this year and a waterfall localed between them, so the BB babes can get super naughty.. If they wanted too. There is also a massive sink area with small mirrors, the vain housemates are really going to find that difficult. 

(Gabby runs back into the main living area and shows the kichen) 

Gabby: I’m in love with the breakfast bar and the massive island in the middle. Quickly just something I want to point out real quick.. There’s 12 Face templates on the wall.. Could there be some more visitors? 

(Gabby enters the diary room which is located between the kitchen and living room) 

Gabby: So here I am.. The Diary Room.. With fake fur covered around the single throne, it’s going to be difficult to get cosy in here.. But before anyone gets cosy. We need housemates? Should we meet housemates 1? 

[Day 1, 9.17pm]


Lindsey: Hey bitches! I’m Lindsey, 25 and I’m a motherf**king stripper! 

Oh gosh, I’m excited but I can’t wait to go in and be a total bitch, I’m not going in to make friends with these bitches. I’m here to win. 

I mean I work with men, all my clients are mostly men…. Yeah mostly. So I know how to work around them and get what I want.. Because a bad bitch always gets what she wants.

Gabby: Ladies and Gents its Lindsey! 

(the crowd boo and Lindsey struts down the runway, Gabby stops her and asks her a few questions) 

Gabby: wow what a reaction Lindsey! 

Lindsey: Shut up bit**ches! 

Gabby: okay, that’s probably not the best idea to do. 

Lindsey: I don’t really care. Where’s my parents? 

Gabby: Lindsey here.. So are you going to live up to your VT? 

Lindsey: Listen darling, I’m going in for the fun and drama! 

Gabby: that gives us enough, It’s Lindsey! 

(the crowd boo and Lindsey enters the house)

[Day 1, 9.23pm] 

Lindsey: oh my god! 

Lindsey: Oooh I’m the first one here. 

(It’s comes back to Gabby at the studio) 

Gabby: Wow! She seems alone.. Housemate #2 anyone? 

Sandel: Hiya, I’m Sandel and I’m 32 and I run and own a corner shop!

this means so much to me, I want to win this so badly for me and my family, I mean this is going to be a great experience and I want to take it in so much. 

I started my own business from the start and I had no help, so i can’t stand people who get money for pretty much doing nothing. Models, Singers and Strippers can f**k right off.    

Gabby: It’s Business man Sandel! 

Sandel: Hello hello.. 

(the crowd cheer and Gabby grabs him to chat) 

Gabby: Hello Sandel.. Nice name by the way

Sandel: Thank you so much. 

Gabby: so you said in your VT you don’t like models, singers, strippers.. So what you going to do if we chuck one of them in? 

Sandel: now you’ve said that.. I know there’s going to be one in there. I’ll probably just be civil. 

Gabby: okay, It’s Sandel. Enter the house! 

(Sandel enters the house to cheers and Lindsey screaming)

[Day 1, 9:28pm]

Lindsey: ah! It’s lovely to meet you. I’m Lindsey. Do you want some wine? 

Sandel: ahh ta thank you. I’m Sandel. 

Lindsey: it was crazy out there! You got a great reaction! 

Sandel: do you think? How was yours? 

Lindsey: Girls never do well entering.. I was obviously going to get booed. 

Sandel: aw why?

Lindsey: being a stripper and a girl doesn’t help? 

Sandel: oh…. Your a stripper? Well what difference does it make being a male stripper? 

Lindsey: that was a long pause…

(the camera cuts to Gabby staring into the camera)

Gabby:… But wait a minute? He’s being nice to her? I think we need a star shocking diva.. Housemate #3 anyone? 


Casey: Well.. I’m Casey, I’m 23 and I’m a model.. Queen C is here! 

Oh my god! It’s going to be so fun, when I was 17 I did a topless modelling shoot that was pretty controversial and I got huge news reports.

I’m a fun kind of girl, on a date I would prefer chips and a kebab over a posh dinner out anyday. I would definitely give myself 10/10 on looks. Without beauty what is a personality? (Laughs)

Gabby: It’s housemate 3! Casey!!! 

Casey: I’m so nervous. 

(The crowd boo and Gabby grabs Casey to chat to her) 

Gabby: don’t be nervous. what kind of housemate are you not looking forward too? 

Casey: to be totally honest.. Someone who is stuck up and has no self respect. 

Gabby: are you looking for love? 

Casey: I’m just going to go with the flow. See what happens! 

Gabby: thank you! It’s Casey! 

(Casey waves and enters the house to boos)

[Day 1, 9:36pm]

Casey: oh my god that crowd was amazing. 

Sandel: (Laughs) was it really? 

Casey: oh god. They loved me. 

Lindsey: it didn’t sound like it (laughs) 

Casey: they wanted me to touch them and everything. Anyway I’m Casey.. 

Lindsey: (gives a funny look to Casey) Lindsey. 

Sandel: I’m Sandel. I love what you’re wearing. Do you want a drink? 

Casey: thank you, it’s Chanel and no thank you. 

Lindsey: what real Chanel? 

(It cuts back to Gabby at the studio)

Gabby: (laughs) I really can’t work out if Lindsey is trying to be awkward or if it’s just her naturally. I feel like more awkwardness needs to enter? Housemate 4 anyone? 

Jamal: I’m Jamal, I’m 21 and I’m a pro Basketball Player.. Bow! Bow! Bow! 

I really can’t wait to go in and just wind everyone up the wrong way, I think it’s better to be entertaining than be boring..

I would prefer there to be more fun housemates as I can wind them up more easy, but yeah.. Anyone will do. 

 Gabby: it’s Jamal! 

Jamal: hello, how is everyone.

(the crowd cheer and Gabby talks to him) 

Gabby: So in your VT you stated you love to wind up? Are you sticking to that?

Jamal: am I sticking too it? I sure am.. 

Gabby: thank you Jamal. It’s Jamal!! 

(the crowd cheer as he enters the house) 

[Day 1, 9:43pm]

Sandel: nice to meet you buddy. I’m Sandel. 

Jamal: hey guys. I’m Jamal. 

Casey: it’s nice to meet you Jamal. I’m Casey, how are you? 

Jamal: yeah I’m great. A lot of booby out already Casey? 

Lindsey: (Laughs) there sure is.. I’m Lindsey (gives Jamal a hug) 

Jamal: wow! This is pretty amazing in here. 

Sandel: I know, the garden looks amazing. 

Casey: it’s locked isn’t it? 

(the camera cuts to Gabby) 

Gabby: oh… So Lindsey likes Casey then? Housemate 5? Here she is.. 

Christina: hello, I’m Christina and I’m 33. 

I really can’t stand nasty people, if you have no reason to be nasty don’t be nasty, if you’re nasty you have me to deal with. 

I think I’ll be fun, creative and funny. I’m a really kind hearted person but if you get me twisted, the claws will come out and the horns will rise. 

Gabby: it’s housemate 5! Christina..

(The crowd cheer and Gabby grabs her over to talk) 

Gabby: so what is this fiesty side like of yours? 

Christina: well.. I’m ready to attack if someone is going to attack. 

Gabby: so is it more if you need too or will it happen for example if a housemate does something wrong.

Christina: I do it, if I need too be and if someone wants to front. 

Gabby: thank you Christina. Enter the house! 

(The crowd cheer and Christina enters the house)

[Day 1, 9:53pm] 

Casey: ah! Oh you’re so cute. I’m Casey (hugs her) 

Christina: that was a strange experience. I’m Christina darling. 

Sandel: you look lovely. I’m Sandel. Did you say Christina? 

Christina: that’s correct, oh hello (to Lindsey) I’m loving your hair girl! 

Lindsey: thank you. I’m Lindsey. 

Jamal: yeah I forgot to tell you. Your hair looks awesome. (To Christina) I’m Jamal. You look really good. 

Casey: (To Lindsey) how did you get your hair like that? Was it hard?

(the camera cuts to Gabby) 

Gabby: 5 housemates become 6.. Should we meet them? 


Henry: hello I’m Henry, I’m 23 and I’m a business owner. 

I want to show everyone that I’m not all about the money, though I do love a luxury lifestyle I’m willing to give it up for a few weeks. 

Anyone with a IQ lower then 60 can leave.. Walk out the door. I’m not willing to mix with anyone like that. 

Gabby: it’s your man.. Henry! 

(the crowd give Henry a mix cheer) 

Gabby: so Henry, what are you going to do if you’re with someone with a low IQ? 

Henry: I wouldn’t be nasty no, I just wouldn’t socialise with them. I’m not here for that. 

Gabby: are you looking for love in the house? 

Henry: probably not, they’re all going to be fame wannabes, whores and people who have no self.

Gabby: (shocked) interesting.. Enter the house Henry! 

(the crowd boo as he walks into the house)

[Day 1, 9:58pm]

Christina: hello my names Christina. I’m loving the suit. 

Henry: err well thank you. I’m Henry guys. 

Casey: (grabs Henry on the shoulder) how was the entrance babe? 

Henry: it was strange.. I got cheered then booed. 

Jamal: oh really bro? That sounds crazy! I’m Jamal though dude. 

Sandel: (Laughs) very dapper Henry! 

(the camera cuts to Gabby doing a James Bond like pose) 

Gabby: sorry.. He just reminded me of James Bond.. Housemate 7?

Janet: hiya. I’m good old girl Janet, I’m 27 and I’m a per-naaaiiiill assistant.

I just love fun. Being happy is amazing, being you is amazing. But Big Brother better have my money.. No no I’m joking! 

A lot of people think I’m over confident but I just know what to do.. Someone has always got to comment on me. Im like a model without being a model.

Gabby: it’s your Model without being a model.. Janet! 

Janet: hi… hi…

(Gabby grabs her to chat while the crowd give her a mix cheer and boos) 

Gabby: come here Janet.. So what are you going to do if someone is in the house who is better then you? 

Janet: nothing because I don’t think I am.. I’m just confident. 

Gabby: thank you Janet. Enter the house! 

(The crowd continue to give her a mix cheer as she enters the house) 

[Day 1, 10:07pm]

Sandel: another girl! I’m Sandel (hugs Janet) 

Jamal: well done Sandel. (Laughs) hi babe. I’m Jamal. 

Janet: it’s great to meet you all. I’m Janet. Where’s the champagne at? 

Lindsey: it looks like we’ve got a alcoholic on our hands.. 

Christina: Lindsey.. That wasn’t funny. 

Jamal: (laughs) 

Janet: it’s okay. Thank you…

Christina: Christina.. 

Janet: I’ll take everything with a punch of salt..

(the camera cuts to Gabby) 

Gabby: that was cute? Housemate #8 anyone?

Name: what’s up? I’m Dale and I’m a student.. 

I’m going to be a lawyer one day or something to do with the police.. I can’t stand liers and cheaters. 

I’m Asexuel so I’m not into anything. Have I experienced both sex? I definitely have. Nothing to be ashamed off. 

Gabby: it’s your dude.. Dale!

Dale: hey, (laughs) what’s up? 

(the crowd cheer on Dale and Gabby grabs him to talk) 

Gabby: so Dale.. Will you be looking for someone to struggle up to in the house?

Dale: well.. I’m seeing what’s in there and if there’s something I like.. You know, I’m a lad. It goes (laughs) 

Gabby: that says it all.. Go into the house! 

(Dale enters the house to cheers from the crowd) 

[Day 1, 10:14pm]

Casey: what a cutie! I’m Casey! 

Dale: well hello there Casey.. I’m Dale. 

Sandel: what’s your name? Dele?

Janet: no he said Dale.

Dale: Dale mate.. 

Sandel: ahh! I’m sorry buddy. I’m Sandel. 

Henry: what a nice name. (Laughs) 

Jamal: what’s up dude. I’m Jamal. 

Dale: ahh I can tell we’re going to get on already.. 

(the camera comes back to Gabby) 

Gabby: wow best friends already!! I think we need a new beauty in the house.. It’s housemate 9! 

Amie: hey y’all! I’m Amie and I’m a teacher. 

A lot of my friends think I’m boring.. Am I boring? Yeah I am. I love to help people and give them my support. I have a lot give. 

I would hate if I was in the house with someone who was selfish and all about the money. This is about the experience as well. 

Gabby: it’s your housemate 9! Amie!

(The crowd cheer and Amie poses for the camera, Gabby struggles to get Amie away from them) 

Gabby: here Amie. (Laughs) that was damn difficult! 

Amie: (Shy laugh) sorry Gabby! 

Gabby: so Amie, how are you going to deal with someone being selfish if there is anyone like that in there? 

Amie: I’ll just talk to them and try and change there ways. Like I said I’m about helping people. 

Gabby: that answers my question! In you go..

(Amie enters the house to cheers)

[Day 1, 10:21]

Amie: (Shy Greeting) hello everyone! I’m Amie.

Christina: oh darling you have a soft voice. 

Amie: I’m just so nervous. 

Casey: do you want some wine? 

Henry: it’s Champagne darling. 

Amie: no thank you I don’t drink.. 

Jamal: (To Lindsey) oh great another boring one. 

Lindsey: (Laughs) of course she doesn’t drink (rolls eyes) 

(cuts the camera to Gabby who rolls her eyes at the camera) 

Gabby: bitching already? Should we meet our last housemate? Always save the best to last.. 

Derek: Hi gals and guys.. I’m Derek, and I’m a rockstar.. Oh and I’m old. 

I’m so used to seeing different faces all the time that this is going to be difficult seeing the same faces for a number of weeks.. 

Will I make friends? Sure I will. But I know I’m going to make enemies too.. I’m so excited for this though peace. 

 Gabby: it’s Rocker Derek! 

Derek: f**king have it! 

(Derek comes out to Cheers and Gabby grabs him to talk to him) 

Derek: oh man.. I’m so excited.

Gabby: you seem it.. So let’s start first, are you going to get annoyed at seeing the same faces?

Derek: (fake laughs) listen Gabby. If there pretty probably not.. If there not interesting , of course. 

Gabby: well.. Thank you Derek! 

(Derek enters the house to cheers and the doors close for the last time) 

[Day 1, 10:27PM]

Dale: oh nice a rocker! 

Derek: you can tell? S**t. 

Dale: (Handshakes Derek) I’m Dale. 

Casey: Oh my god I love a rocker! I’m Casey hunny. 

Lindsey: (gives a funny look) I’m Lindsey. 

Derek: well that was exciting Lindsey. I’m Derek people. 

Sandel: I think that’s all of us.. 

Janet: just 10? 

Christina: yeah all of us. 

(the camera cuts back to Gabby) 

Gabby: that’s all we have time for tonight so far.. But in the next hour, your public votes will be revealed on what twist you wanted to happen tonight and it will be revealed to the house LIVE unless it’s a secret twist. You still have time to vote, pick wisely. See you Shortly. 


So tonight Ten fabulous and different housemates entered The Big Brother house.. But Big Brother wants you YES YOU the public to decide what happens tonight on Launch night. You can vote here: 

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